Monday, May 31, 2010

Lose Viginity For Bleeding

زها حديد there can be no PROGRESS, BUT NOT FACE THE UNKNOWN ..

May 29, 2010


Designers: زها حديد www.zaha Zaha Hadid and Patrik
Project Manager : Gianluca Racana [Zaha Hadid Limited].
Project Team: ... so many people;) which of course I appoint, and then: Paolo Matteuzzi, Anja Simons, Fabio Ceci, Mario Mattia, Maurizio Meossi, Paolo Zilli, Luca Peralta, Maria Velcheva, Matteo Grimaldi Ana M. Cajiao, Barbara Pfenningstorff, Dillon Lin, Kenneth Bostock Zahid Raza, Lars Teichmann, Adriano De Gioannis, Amin Taha, Caroline Voet, Gianluca Ruggeri, Luca Segarelli, David ABT Sabatello and Giancarlo Rampini.
cultural MAXXI Mission: to spread the knowledge of architecture and bear witness to the role in society.

maxX opening Saturday night in the name of the Roman ... what to say ... apart from the massive influx of professionals, including modestly ME, it was nice to walk into an architectural structure a bit ', pass me the term, Zaha Hadidiana  a bit' Romanization, with next rivers of children. Are you wondering if this post is an ode to innovation in architecture in Rome, or a hymn to the families of every kind and nature ... obviously the answer, as says what is inside of you, but it is wrong! ... In the sense that I, lover of architecture and interior designer in general, the balance of beauty and art, there are no words to soften the GREAT 'Work in tandem designed by Zaha Hadid and Patrik Schumacher, also because I would not be exhaustive as many magazines and blogs and industry are ...

Copy and sublime throughout the museum complex. At mirror are presented in both reality and architecture of the twentieth century, with retrospective exhibitions devoted to specific subjects or authors of the prestigious architectural culture of the twentieth century (GALLERY 1, PT) and the contemporary (GALLERY 2, P.1 °), selected from experimental space to young designers and the international scene ... two visions of art and architecture, capable of stimulating ideas and put in front of both the public and professionals, involved in an educational journey to rediscover the values \u200b\u200bof twentieth-century architectural form, and the comparison with the ideas and spaces of the future, which I do not think little!

And then, YOU. LEI. Like who? ... Zaha Hadid , Donna, and Donna ... architect, designer Iraqi naturalized British exponent of deconstructionism, 1st woman to win the Pritzker Prize (thanks wikipedia for a summary ...). I do not think we need the list of all the designs that has made and is making, and on .. and on!

currently in the temporary exhibition have Gino De Dominicis (Ancona, 1947 - Rome, November 29, 1998) smile ... meschini, mentre accedendo al secondo piano, oltrepassando un passaggio sospeso, un intestino che collega i più livelli del Museo, si sente in un alto sottofondo la risata malvagia di un lucifero onnipresente…elementi alchemici e religiosi: piramidi, croce, stelle, figure geometriche ed i famosi, lunghi nasi delle Sue figure.  L’Arte interpretata come creazione, magia e mistero, con lo spettatore superfluo rispetto all'opera, lo diceva anche lui: “ La gente deve vedere non sapere, deve riconoscere l'opera d'arte per quello che è e accettarne gli effetti ”… insomma…moooolto interessante, e poi il ramo del museo dedicato alla Sua mostra, è stato curato by a friend of a friend of mine, and therefore doubly FABLE!

Enjoy your visit!