Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Multi Dvd Changer For Pc

... do not throw anything away!

... wandering through the vast network, and note that I did not use the term navigation, search for a download, even for charity .. the original, version of AutoCAD 2008 or even 2009, I benefit, I came across in the myriad of Esisitite programs to optimize the work of us technical ..
.. then like a good half-creative and stupid , which are at the end, I opened the banks of the river of my thoughts, now traveling, out of habit, on parallel lines of pilings, building amnesties, permessistica varies, and grumpy customers, swim in the clear warm waters and interior design, and why not, the person ... and down to artists, emerging and non-designer fashion, accessories and bags, clothes made from discarded curtains, upholstery and snap ruined, lost boys BUTTON jackets thrown away by so little conscious minds ...

.. all this to tell you that the dear Ale , with your permission illustrious, who could not deny the fact that not even stand me + you on Saturday, he flies to Milan for 2 days ... how?'m going to do .. the load of ideas, emotions, urges, images finally came good, and why not, abandoned tents ...

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Political Unit Of Vancouver

.... do not know about you but ... I are living in a house like this ...

Saturday, November 15, 2008

How Can You Make Body Hair Softer

.. awaiting the opening ... La Maison

... here you go ...

Saturday, October 18, 2008

How To Build Arrow Spine Tester

... trying not to notice the scarza image quality, due to the fact that efficient were taken from my cell phone ...

.. here is a small achievement in Interior Design, obtained by using curtains, blinds and curtains!! ... And materials reuse, Ikea Docet .. it pains me to admit it but he hit the Ikea helped me!

.. small satisfactions of Ale ...

Monday, September 1, 2008

Pokemon Fanfiction Pregnancy

good start ..

... What do you mean like how ???...??
gold on black ... I do not you read??
... but the publicity of Brail then??

mMmMmMmMm ... ....

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Fluttering Upper Left Stomach

eCcHePorComOnDO ... .. I'm right! O)

Teaching a course in Interior Design GROPED expected to acquire a design methodology, tailored to the needs of the working world today.
This methodology is nothing but a succession of rational operations (analysis) that converge towards the final moment of the composition of the project (summary) which finds expression in the individual creativity.
latter constitutes one of the educationally most interesting design, but all too often the word "creativity" is made to coincide with the "genius ", understood as a fanciful invention, it is instead a generalized and may feature of mankind must be understood as an attitude to develop new interventions (training of the "new"), whose mental framework is ruled by its own logic that is expressed through rational operations.

The interior architecture and design activity tends to organize space in which man lives. Rational organization of this space means to identify a set of responses (functional, technological, aesthetic, economic, etc..) Assessed individually and each other and, through subsequent steps, coordinate them into a final configuration that results in the project.

All this to say that a course that has the TARGET FOR THOSE TEACHING METHODS AND ACTIVITIES 'SHOULD HAVE A PROGRAM THAT IS SO Roughly': (and sorry if it's just ... damn ... IED)

- Orthogonal and the theory of shadows
- Isometric (split and exploded)
- Perspective (calculated and direct)
- visual techniques (markers, crayons, watercolors, screens, etc.)..

- Physiology of light phenomena
- Communication color
- Relation between shapes or colors
- Shares synesthetic
- Analysis of the psycho-chromatic visual perception.

architectural survey
- Scale of representations and Signs
- survey the scale Architectural
- Detecting small-scale (items d 'furnishings).

- Paving (materials and installation techniques, specifications)
- Ceilings and false ceilings (materials and installation techniques, specifications)
- Walls and partitions (materials and installation techniques)
- Raw materials (wood, glass, steel, etc.).
- The fabric (upholstery, curtains, etc.).
- New materials and their use.

- Calculate costs of installation
- Interpretation and design through catalogs with price list.

contraceptives DESIGN
- Ergonomics and functionality
- Materials and regulations
- Standard dimensions and general plant
- Design, target market, packaging and transportation.

- Distribution of furniture modules as needed for equipment (water drains, electrical outlets, gas connection, etc.).
- Accommodation and analysis of the accessories (plates, pipes, etc.).
- Problems and Solutions (moisture content, functionality, location, etc.).
- Lighting (typology and analysis)
- Legislation.

HISTORY furniture and design
- From the beginning, classical Greek and Roman imperial
- The Middle Ages
- Evolution of furniture from '400 '800: Styles
- The industial revolution
- Art Nouveau
- The rational design
- Masters of the external design

- Change of destination use in design (handles, faucets, furniture, decorative items, vases, containers, shelves, etc.).

- Knowledge of computer hardware and ABC
- Design and processing two-dimensional and three-dimensional
- Solid modeling and rendering
- Layout and printing
- treatment with software
montage - Understanding 3D prototypes of technologies (electronic cutters, 3D scanners, solid modeling, engraving machines)
- Technologies digital printing materials to furniture.

design policy
Market Analysis - Analysis of target
- Planning weighted on the final costs
- design with furniture catalog (analysis of different manufacturers)
- Choice of materials'
use - Management of site
- Orders-based catalog.

PS: it is unthinkable to treat those topics without confronting the design of systems and / or material technology, etc..

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Pokemon Battle Revolution Para Pc


And this makes two. I write only in respect of those three or four people who read my post (including an average of two random visitors a day). "Also" Out Includetemi die here. The thousands of words written, sung, shouted, sigh and interrupt their flow hidden in these few lines. I have not ceased to write, I could not. I decided to stop with frivolities and trivialities. Want to write does not mean having to write, and this electronic outpost was changing more a duty than a pleasure. Surely I will continue somewhere, but not here. And for those who can not read between the lines nothing but a stupid ticking of keys.
Do not be afraid of saying goodbye. Only makes a farewell sweeter when he returns.

"And in case there rivedessi ... good afternoon, good evening and goodnight!"
Jim Carrey "The Truman Show"

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

M Jak Milosc Online 1

Rate Vs Poetry

The cases of "Ragano" shouted a few songs by Oasis. In my head for now there is no place for them, four boys with high hopes that have kept expectations to a certain point, but still too far away from those other four of which have been compared to Liverpool. A little place they found a completely different group, which recently gladdens my travels in Metro. Milk and dairy products will not be by Grammy, but I must say that after the figure of shit that unconsciously they made me do it the other day in Metro, I appreciate them even more. "... If the big hill still grow. ... She said that hill de ???". Laughter. Silence. Blank stare. Figure of shit.
I wrote I love you no connection fee on the sand. If I Franco IV e Franco (who the fuck are they? Those of "I love you written in the sand" no!? Ignoramus) were to music what I have just done such a thing would come out. Or maybe you could get out of a movie called "I thought it was love but it was a fee." Oh well the bottom line is that I've never done anything like that for some, this is the most absurd and crazy courtship that has never carried out. Indeed, since what I'm doing, probably do not know if you can not really talk about courtship with regard to the past. All past experiences now seem tepid in comparison to declarations of intent. "You know, I like you, I get flowers." This time it's "It 's far away from Chile?". Certainly, however, that ostichezza!
The heat is unbearable. Above all, be suffered in the shadow of a PC on (metaphorical shadow, crack of AFA). This is a time of sea water, sand, sun and Puppy. Coffee cold cream that you believe to be protected and then you find tanning, wet towels and breaded. Skimpy costumes, nipples in plain sight, sunglasses and goggles that reveals the sun. Bladders to empty the water, and place them and now: are those who seem to have lost the little child, with hands on hips, motionless in the water. We are all sgam. And I close with blisters. Even today I did a little disgusting. If I were you
singer sings. As an advertiser, I will write a brochure.

" Click Here "
Remi Gaillard "Disco Elevator"

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Fixing Dell Printer Error 1203

... possible that when a person observes these images go into a trance, uttering words like <<..io il mio bagno...lo VOGLIO così...si..si... e poi...il parquet di rovere, che scelta...>> ... shame that in 2 years, because do not + years of living in this oriental style sink, it will all be out of fashion, the same person come back to me apologizing for itself and ask for guidance in the new supply? .. But do not think so: MRS SARA ' PROUD of the choices made, and until you will SPLIT the last tube will jealously room toilet, because it is more a hall bathroom, and maybe add a tent, CHANGING MY GOD ... .. HELP .... with nice fiorelloni of wool stuck on ...

not complain ... BUT OF DEPRESSION POST AND PRE DELIVERY TIME! Husbands fleeing after having fitted the curtain, you know ... HOME AND CHILDREN WHO ARE ALWAYS LESS TIME ...

... there is a reason '!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Karaoke Revolution Microphone Compatibility Ps2

The Smoking Stress

I smoke in the brain. It's not that I'm stressed, I mean "in the smoke." These are days that I work on cigarettes. Now lamented the TIM has been replaced by monolithic Philip Morris. Between the dog and Chester the whore of Virginia Slim, my brain is burning like a cigarette butt. And all this only adds to my relationship with smoking. Occasional to frequent, up to now, that is devoted. Not good for me, I know, both the portfolios as health (well, maybe a bit of health 'more). But it is a vice, and pleasant to boot. And you know, the wolf loses but not the Tizio Caio. And Harry? I digress. Tonight
finally opens the cycle of summer concerts in Rome. To be honest I've had a first taste with "Rats of the Sabines" and "Morgan", and was a first taste of really tasty. Now we begin in earnest, and tonight at the Unity Day of Caracalla in that I'm preparing to attend the concert of "Modena City Ramblers" (with the welcome support of "Free Brigantaggio). And 'the second time for me, but I certainly get tired of yelling that "... life is twenty years beyond the bridge! Twenty years after the love begins." As I shall continue to sing their sweet "Lullaby", without asking to those who have dedicated, because in my head that song belongs to one person.
are still cooked. I speak not only of the heart, but also of my skin. These are days that I wear around with a purple leotard. Guys, is not a leotard, is my skin! It does not hurt as it should, or rather as usual. Is less painful, perhaps because this time I've been good (thanks to myself) to put a protective cream (a little). Aesthetically speaking, it is changed little: it seems Gabibbo, only far less intelligent.
Begin by coming to the world, then spend your life trying to come yet.

"But in a day as a lion and a hundred as a sheep does not make fifty of them can bear?"
Massimo Troisi

Monday, July 7, 2008

Bleeding After Noriday

the strike of mid-term

The saints are coming. Fall on our land with their wings of rain to cover the rot that is strangling the world. No, not the trailer for the new film Swarchenegger . Only I did not know how to begin. Now that I started, I can go on.
No Compromise. This is the rule. No compromise, even when working. Well, get caught by megadirettore in his private office to drink beer is truly "no compromise". Today
strike media has greatly influenced my already precarious motion plane in the morning. I mean, I already know I do not need to adjust when moving from bike to place trying to follow a clockwise, then you put in the Metro closed, no buses or tram, I finished and the work in Piazza Cavour. It sets out a framework is not the best. At 9.30 this morning I do "Take a Taxi." The large percentage of the Marches blood in my veins begins to boil. "A taxi!? But we are crazy! Rather walk." In fact, my sandals began to travel the paths of Rome, looking shelter from the scorching sun. Yes, because add that I'm half (but three-quarters) burned because of the long day yesterday that the Terracina. So, in short, an hour and a half I can get to the agency, very late, very exhausted. And now I'm here I write. This week starts well.
However on the way, what happened to me a beautiful, hard to explain, you had to be there. As I walked, with the ' iPod that sounded in my ears, "I do not feel like dancing " of Scissor Sisters , it puts me in front of a nun. Just a nun, which begins to walk ahead of me. But it's not normal gait was very loose, a bit ' danceable. Well, imagine 'sister is moving a bit ' as Sister Act and that music in my head. Then add that it was strange movements with his hands. Here and there behind me imagine that I laugh for no reason. Am I crazy?
The beauty of it is realized that the more time passes you realize that there are one more piece to complete really.

"Do not ask whether it is right or wrong. If something is moving inside, let it move with you"
Marvin Gaye "Let 'S get it on "

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Pedal Cars Blueprints

The Antechamber Of Dreams

you feel small. You feel so small close in an embrace soft, it hurts, and where you never thought to find you handy. You feel small for you because it is a bit ' like a child again, when looking for a haven away from adult eyes. And' This is the feeling you feel, hidden under the REVERSINO your blanket, a tiny space and indifferent to most the people. All those people who sees a simple read only a simple bed. semantically impeccable, but it is not. You know that bed is the cradle of all your thoughts, your problems, your victories and your fears, all those things that keep you awake or sleeping you leave happy. That dark and cramped space where you focus your breathing is the gateway of dreams. You are always there, annoyed by red LED that television set, and all the red that colors the world. You do not have the courage to look out outside, perhaps for fear of losing those meters of sleep you've eaten slowly. Yeah, because the night you sleep the conquest. Can not you give her sleep, with life during the day we put it all to get the pleasure of the night. You do not give up, with patience you are there to avoid all problems, find their solution, too often only to find a place to park. Lots to sleep. Then it happens that you find the courage to rise up and do it. Dodge with the hand the deck, I look better. Are 7:51. He stole my life tonight. Tomorrow you will have your revenge. Posted at

know what you want

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Bleeding A Lot After Birth

the arms of an angel

spend your time waiting for a second chance, but this does not mean that everything went to hell once. Aspects that carried out that will fix everything, that will make you believe that the pain does not exist. But the pain exists, and there is always some reason not to feel completely happy and come crawling to the end of the day. You try to distract you. Looking for something you're free from this torment, so the memories to flow from your veins and allows you to feel light. The only way I know to find some peace in these evenings.
I can not stand how the world works. Everywhere you turn there are vultures and friends who stab you behind, and that storm seems unwilling to calm down again. To feel safe to build walls of lies, who invented the fear of all that you lack. Now it makes no difference escape one last time, right? It 's easier to believe in this glorious sadness that in a gentle madness, because he is unable to bear themes. But one day
cederai to that angel. Angel who will take away from that cold, dark room and that infinity of which you so afraid. Angel that will save you from the dirt and noise from your dream. You will be in the arms of an angel, you cradle whispering a sweet lullaby. And you will find that comfort, because you need it.

Inspired By "Angel"

Monday, June 30, 2008

Boxing Glove Infant Mittens


We're back here. For the same reason: boredom. Or rather, boredom fancazzismo . A mention of that? I know, ask a question. Yes, it's out of school / university / community center, we are all happy. Although I will miss all those people who have crowded classrooms. No, not list them in a sarcastic. Granted. Less obvious is not just talk about it.
Who will be the most stubborn of the two? I do not know me by my hand, I have a healthy little dose of irresponsibility and a huge and perhaps less healthy dose of ... yes, that thing, do not let me say that I am ashamed. I'm sorry, but I want to try. I have to try, and this time really. Why I denounced coldness and detachment at the time. But I was so stupid not to realize that what I became cold. Damn scared.
are about to begin the sales. 'Sti cocks you say, we're not in an episode of Sex & The City. Yeah, but this time I want to make large expenditures, changing a bit, 'make me new. That's right, forget the old Simone. From tomorrow, Guepierre and stiletto heels. Fashion!
In a game of chess with death, with a win in two sticks. It 'amazing how lucky I am. Saturday, for example, work was a godsend. Aware of my potential colleagues called me almost, "Oh Simon from Great ass, just so that no truck obstacles on our way towards the destruction of fancazzismo ." No sooner said than done. An entire evening waiting for goods that never arrived. An evening to fill in short. No sooner said than done. Beer, sweets, crisps and high demand (after three years of honorable service), even ice cream for everyone. But it is true that you can not eat and smoking for seven consecutive hours. No sooner said than done. It takes two platforms, building a rudimentary port, is called the security (a guarantee at all!) And she is on a German of good, down in the warehouse. So two hours later, sweaty and bare-chested that there were Romanians, finally the coveted bell sends us all home. I enjoyed this Saturday, because I know that for one reason or another, probably there will be no more. Each
left is lost. But you look good maybe you find her.

"O my watch has stopped, or he is dead"
Groucho Marx

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Are North Face Logos Embroidered

Waters River were anything but terse. Narcissus himself would shed tears reflected in the current, which could carry around everything but the thoughts that crowded his mind of that boy. He walked with slow steps along the path, a little 'tired, a bit' to his innate laziness. It was a few meters from the shore and see him so, with bowed head, seemed lost to listen to the gurgle of the little waves that rippled the waters. It seemed only. But it was enough to turn his eyes a bit 'more right to see all his friends, who waved and laughed. He was a spot in that lot, soiled with his tired walking the force of that small group of boys. Yet there he was, for some reason. Perhaps because the best way to remember is not to think, and say that it is enough to do to succeed. He thought at that time than it was stupid to try and forget. He thought of the water, which had always been there but had never stops. He thought his friends, who are everything a man can have before you a woman takes them away. He thought of that path, the memory of long walks to talk to try to understand, to remain in silence to learn to understand each other. And that river always there beside them nodded. Then it all suddenly disappeared. All remained where it was in truth but in his mind did not matter. He felt her hand to shake hers. He did not even turn my head to see it, the just hear to know it was there. He had a thousand questions for the head, but he avoided looking into her eyes for fear of finding all the answers. Finally he said, "Where are you now?". He asked that. He asked her, knowing that this would not have changed anything. She did not answer. But with his eyes all that was wrapped around them. He felt it, and as in those silences them gone, he was able to make sense. At the same moment his hand burst into tears in his, and all around appeared that she had left. And he knew that he had not left at all.

I love you. Wherever you are and it is not.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Valspar Primer When Second Coat

remember the genius of Charles Talks

continue to tell fairy tales. And if it is true that "every story is a game", this is not true that the person who takes the win. With this the IED there really is hope. They should write on their site. A beautiful rubrichetta titled "Tried." The impressions, almost warm, those who have tried the three IED came out and tried. Then I want to see if the prospective members anxiously, when they come to read our opinions, they will still want to drop the modest, and mo 'I'm telling you, a figure of 7 000 euros per year, less briskly than offhand. Today I am a bit 'controversial. I will not argue, it was not all bad. But so disappointing for many. It will be that instead of addressing the world of work, gave us a little taste of life will be like.
do not know. And 'bad sometimes have no words. Very ugly and degrading, especially for a copywriter (or what purports to be). But even worse is they, and know not to use them. Choke before they do damage, or simply for fear of choking it yet. I recently I feel like a serial killer's thoughts. A lot I closed my mouth, dead and buried in my spacious head (because large empty). Yet I keep the bodies, still warm. And as an unlikely Dr. Franknstein are ready to irradiate electricity and then scream "Live," and even got her some where. Just to have no remorse.
I do not understand what the hell he wants. I swear, I got a thousand questions and responded to many. But as they say Rats " Why is ignorance, but after all the responses I have a question that I advanced." Then maybe the answer is simple: it is a bitch. In fact, I'm sure. If I knew it would be so I went to sell lighters in the Gargano. Other than agency. Harpy shit. But speaking of
Tokyo Hotel. But no.
I'm not sure of my certainties.

"The music always does his duty, take a second you leave the trumpet. Then he goes to another and you do not know who you go with. But you enjoy it knowing that we will come back ..."
Luciano Ligabue "Right in the Rock 'n Roll"

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Baby Has Rosey Cheeks

I throw fish

suicide. Really, it's like to throw ' ammazzatora . It 's like going to a dealer, buying a Porsche Cayenne , exit and head at 180 mph toward a concrete wall, armed to the teeth, hoping that by' airbag comes out Ferilli . Are masochistic? They last chance? Heavens no. I'm just a bit ' ... crazy! However, in other circumstances would have been spectacular. One thing to crawl to the nipple. Instead, as we are now combined, there is no way of knowing what will happen. Who knows if I will use a socket between head and neck. More likely we'll just smile. It would be so much already. And nothing much. Today is the week
IED! I took leave. I had to. I took leave and then I called the foreman and I am "Can you do me a favor and cover a shift that your colleague is not." And I "Attack and howls." If, perhaps. As usual, damn good nature, they are gone. On my own terms (an hour late), but I went. So fat, no rest even 'is week. There riconsoliamo with the spectacular and phantasmagoric festival IED? I think not.
I thought, "I became a bit ' vulgar." Yes, in fact they are very different from 4-5 years ago when I did not say a bad word. Some two-way at best, but I had promised myself not to foul language . Then I discovered instead the evocative power that is hidden behind a "dick" or "fuck you". But I think I got caught too far. This is not a criticism of those who uses it. But for example, I always thought that making people laugh with profanity is much easier and far less noble. What good is a fit ass and tits in a sentence to provoke laughter? There is no creativity, no talent, what fun is it? Then who is also laughing. I laugh at the vulgarity, I can not help but also because you can combine the two worlds, but I admire those who can make you laugh without using them. The songwriters, who do you cram a calembeur , or who has the right gesture or even a sharp tongue and a thought that goes beyond that. This is the difference between laughing and smiling. Among with laughter and smile because at the same time it feels a sense of admiration. Yes I know, I know with this thing fixed. But it matters to me. Everything else is crap. Here, see? Damn!
The winner is the one who is not afraid to lose.

"When I was little, all they asked me what I wanted to do great. The other replied: the doctor, the tram driver, astronaut. I said, the dickhead. I'm the only one who has done it. "
Paolo Rossi

Friday, June 20, 2008

What To Wear At Night In Jamaica In January

The Discipline Of Earth

Hello. I realized that not saying goodbye to all these posts. I write things that someone takes the trouble to read and even the greeting. Really rude on my part, I ask forgiveness. Apart from my guilty conscience, now I want to let the world know a song (that then maybe the world already knows) that I think is one of the most beautiful ever written for As regards text and music. The song is "As long as the boat goes" ... no! I was joking. The song is "The discipline of the earth" Ivano Fossati. The song I know, but it is much more likely to know the author. One of the most learned and complete Italian singer-songwriters, author of a myriad of songs that nobody knows, wrote to Mina, De Andrè , Patty Pravo, Mia Martini , Mannoia and Anna Oxa ("A 'emotion just is his). I said, the song. One of the most complete at the level of significance. I see us all, then everything is just for me: and there is love there is life, so 'else matters? Now, to avoid the usual " Copiaeincolla " which I strabusato in the past, I attempt in the "prose " MISUSE Song, knowingly and heartened by the fact that Ivan will not ever read (and therefore can not complain).

The discipline of the Earth are the fathers and sons, are the dogs that guide the sheep. The discipline of the earth are all those forgotten names in the left hand of the player. Only love can not be so irrational and restless as it is. It seems to me to be paid the fair in this life. In this life to see, to listen and to follow. But life does not go as you plan, restless and irrational it is. This is the discipline of the earth.
But my life, you are more beautiful than yesterday. Life to all that get your heart pumping. And that's what I like about you, but I have no words to explain it. I do not know how to tell you, but I can not bow your head and do not bend down. And I will not wait any longer, is not the case and to wait. Never again. Why know that life does not go as you want. This is the discipline of the earth.
I was sitting here, lying on my bed with my glasses to look at the ceiling to fall in love with the colors of things. But sometimes not enough to wish for, for so far is not enough. Now I have a contract with the Angels, and you're definitely my life. I do not know when, maybe in a few months of August or perhaps blinding in a time less deluded that you want. Why
know that life never goes as you want. This is the discipline of the earth.

"Life is pain and joy of love is an anesthetic."
Cesare Pavese

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Goku X Bulma Doujinshi Yaoi

A No parking?

Sudo. Not the Japanese puzzle game (because it would add half to sit), I speak of secretion of hypotonic fluid. In addition to the warmth that comes and goes at will over everyone and everything is running. Sweating, shortness of breath, lactic acid for breakfast. But continued to run, do not give up. Clench your teeth and close my eyes, even if it is counterproductive. Spout all sorts of obstacles, rocks, bushes and the other day I got a full bike. Oh well, the important is not to yield. So you know it's true. There are those who will be chasing and being chased. I chose to pursue. But I can reach the pursued? We hope you stumble and break a leg. Tonight there
Italy. That is, there is always, is here with its load of trash (lies not only in the south, is everywhere, just more hidden). However, tonight will be tragedy.
dryness in the mouth during the kiss. I still make the mistake of asking subjects on which quibble in this blog. A few seconds ago, my colleague asked me to this: "The dryness in the mouth during the kiss." Now, what can I say, I do not ever. That is, what he meant to you? That allayed the palate? What language and language are sparks? Mah! I never ever kiss me for hours. Maybe that means, the glorious teenage snog. Oh well, it does not touch me, I was a boy no pumice. Already operated a brothel.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Creuset On The Bottom #30

Three Tigers Against Three Tigers

Guys, I went to paranoia! I shut myself as an addict of the word on something too stupid: the tongue-twister! There I write worse, absolutely . You will say, "Where'd you get asked?". So there is still time to change blog. There is this which is very interesting: BlogSeNonSieteInteressatiAgliScioglilingua . Otherwise, read here.
  • Three crusts of dry bread in three narrow pockets are.
  • there you angry? And stizziscitici as well!
  • I have a field of lupines by thinning; who diraderĂ  them to me?
  • Take this boat and impegolamela and when you have embroiled disimpegolamela not entangled.
  • train too narrow and too tired good thing too weary and too lame.
  • intrigues Tigre tiger.
  • Pure left for Pele Peru perished but for the mashed .

There would be another thousand, but I think that is enough. I look so stupid enough

" I'm gay, I'm like you, have him today then tomorrow, if I want her, she'll be alone. How can you tell me, why do not you know what you are, you're different from us. What do you want, I'm gay my business, you have that disorder? What an enormous inconvenience it Trai?
Daniele Silvestri Gino el 'Alfetta "

Sunday, June 15, 2008

How To Unblock Runescape At School?

Silence In House!

them will not I make speeches. It will be that I am not able to start a serious discussion. Talk to me is to know what they say and say things that others do not. For me, very often, talk to someone is equivalent to joke. "You do not know a serious talk," he said. Without the steps to the hall of the brain that I am not totally interested in making a serious talk. I hear them then their serious talk. You can tell right away. One says one thing, the other sets the item and immediately begins to say a huge and boundless sea of \u200b\u200bplatitudes. Many, hl. In speeches I hear you say the same things, things that everyone knows. The other hand, who nods and says, "Bravo, right," while the correct answer is "Thank fuck". Always. But no, the more he begins to say, 'It is true, the hot water is warmer than the cold, I agree with you. We are right in tune. " The first reinforcements "I think when it comes to water, the problem is upstream." "Bravo, that's right." I stay there. Even more when people begin to express their opinions about something, and their views are taken verbatim from the tabloids, music critics and / or film and have said things that other friends of friends to sell their own. When speaking, most people try to please another party. Try to be interesting, to give itself an air search. People believe. Was easy to live with words, you know that gravy. I prefer silence. We will not say that "The silence is worth a thousand words" or "Understanding the silence" or "Being able to hear what is said in silence." I just like to know how to be with people who are not embarrassed to keep quiet. Why there's nothing wrong with occasionally to have nothing to say.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Using Canesten While Breastfeeding

Angry Men

want to scream. So, off the cuff, without even canvas. Shouting nonsense instead of trying to speak softly illuminated and illuminating phrases. I find it liberating, even constructive. Also because I am, let's face it, things at the right time I can not really say. Because even when I know exactly what I should say. In my head is clear, precise, sharp and very, very effect. A surgeon. Instead, when I have free speech simply to say what I think (so no more likely to drop the word from head to mouth, trying not to get them out from the nose), I block. I just block, or at worst start to talk like Tiziano Ferro "I wanted to tell farandara Danè." I'm good at fucking shoot sentences instead. Oh those! See: "The pink elephant flying over the skies of ketchup to weave webs of clouds as a kind of cotton swab." See? About
. I was so busy with other matters that I forgot the place. It 's over. After three years of joys and sorrows fade to rise is over. I do not want to talk about memories or sentimentality, incazzature, likes and dislikes. Only, to paraphrase a famous phrase, even 'if the st'esperienza semo sod off! Who really loves
sighs your lover what he would scream to the world (this beautiful, I know its strong!).

" The number is important, it gives weight to the words for this every time before you think of it alone and if we find the slightest hint of violence recalls that will be raised to the nth degree"
Daniele Silvestri "Want to cry"

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Dont Know The Name Of Web Cam

And do you think? Small Intestine

We're almost there. And I could not speak on this blog. You expected, eh? And you think mo ' coglionazzo that Simon's spirit begins to make imminent thesis. And you do not seem to talk about how everything will be good or all bad, I'm good I'm sick. And do not tell you how you think we do not give anything of the thesis in fact we are happy that everything is over, we young shoots only three years ago pawed anxious. And do you think? Indeed.
Today I am happy. It should be me that takes very little to make me happy. A small gesture and PAM !, The day I get up to ten percentage points. I've got the MIBTEL happiness that has reached historically high levels. Sell! Sell! No really, I'm glad I do not know well because . I mean, I know, but a normal person would not be so happy for such a thing. Oh well, the usual story.
I want to tell a true story, however. Come, sit next to me. This is the story of one of us, even if born to him in the street ... no, for a moment. Not this, I meant this one. Once upon a time, in a large meadow where boys are growing hopes that call ... no shit, I get confused. Sorry. I do not understand, maybe it's the hunger that this absurd diet forced me to suffer. I would own the pa - pa - pa - pa pappa col-po-po-po-po-tomato!
How I hate to write today. E 'happiness! But no, it's another thing. But I can not say here. I can not even give you a hint or the notary s'incazza. About a notary and a judge yesterday I saw Morgan live. Live and kicking. It 'was an experience, no adjective in support of the noun. Simply an experience (I spent an adverb is to make you happy '!). What kind. A slap on the face that you never stop to listen. Then the music is wonderful, even when it is expressed in most of the tragedy. Nothing to say. Score: 9.
Today I'll sweat. Feel the breeze that pulls in Rome today. Fresh as a slice of watermelon, so fresh that I was at risk squaraus but I resisted. Stoic, almost Stojckov . In truth they are completely healed, so I took the liberty of making up all night to watch a movie, play and hear music stripped to the waist around the house. I repeat for the rich and greedy vecchiarde parchment looking for a boy to maintain: "A shirtless around the house! I suck me alone.
Is there anyone who has come this far to read? But it should be '? I'm writing just to piss those two, three, who occasionally give a read. However good if you came up here I love you. Really. In a bit I want a ' more than others but do not get angry. Gelosoni ! If
, mo 'you think I'm going to write even the aphorism. But it should be!

"And the song? But it goes!"
Simone Giambartolomei "I've written enough"

Sunday, June 8, 2008

How Far Away Should A Coffee Table Be From Couch

I am served. Mister "Last Minute", Mr "I'm going to race," eth "Put us 'na pieces." Always on the run, in the final laps, trying to retrieve a result which now seems lost. It does not mean that we will succeed. For example, right now, at 3:00 at night with excruciating stomach pains that haunt me for days, instead of finishing what I have to finish at all costs, I take a little time to shoot crap that nobody felt the need. I'm just shit, I say it alone. But what can I do? If I do not feel the pressure, nothing, I do not budge even a fourth of the bra. From a bit
' of days if you get close to my stomach, you can hear the sea. Winter sea, however, stormy and violent. I look like a teapot in constant boiling, or rather as if I had swallowed a Yorkshire by coughing. This storm outside of your room? Stagnant or noise of the dishwasher is running? Perhaps what we most closely is the sound of rubber slippers of two lovers that break the waves that draw contours on the beach wet. What a poetic way of talking about the squaraus !
phrase romantic # 32: "I love you so much for you laverei the car."

"How long thought that only useless fannenisnade believe to be well darendedo de!"
Tiziano Ferro "I do not know denfane "

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Prepaid Phone Disabled? What Does It Mean

Life Is A Yellow

"All very strange. Much, too weird. The bed was perfectly in order and that's all around smelled of blood. Stank to suffocate, as well as the putrid air that hung in the room. With my handkerchief I approached the bed. I convinced the stomach and brain to pull off the covers to find out what was underneath. It was very hard. The spectacle that presented itself was creepy
some would say cop now retired to his grandchildren, sitting around him to hear some scary stories. For me it was simply human cruelty. What we do not teach, that all hidden behind walls and mirrors of childhood pain of love lost. That cruelty in us trapped in that cage and precepts of doing good Catholics, just waiting for the right moment to escape. That day, who knows what time it happened. "

This is an excerpt from the last book by Andrea Camilleri entitled" Mount Albano, that you bring to make 'a ride. "Meanwhile, I kicking.
Questions, only questions. Questions have another question in response. And maybe the answer to my question is really a question. It is a tongue twister, think about how to proceed, or should I say does not proceed as this. Oddly enough, the answer is a passage from the Bible. Where, how would Guccini, the answer is a voice that asks "Shomer-llailah but me?". At what point is the night?
I do not know why, but I know this is what I do.

"The night is passing but the dawn has not yet arrived. Go back, ask, insist."
The Bible "Isaiah, Chapter 21"

Friday, May 30, 2008

Pay To Smell Escort Feet

'Jacket And Na' Na Tie

"Doctor I'm concerned." "Next to another! That sucks if so, when my mind begins to travel up to create thousands of stories, all right and all wrong. Who can know the truth? Not me, certainly, but between knowing and not knowing is always better scholars. Scholars, not in the sense that I'm itching and I learned. However, it is a bad bad situation, just for me, but ugly. And I'll have to answer sooner or later. Why is my mood can not be dictated by a handful of bytes. Today
dinner! What's cool when there are people at home. Then sleep because I have a wedding. No, I have opted for suicide, I'm still semi-free. The marriage of a friend. And for the first time after the confirmation, my convinced me to buy a suit. I wanted to come in jeans and shirt (for me the height of elegance), but after a long debate (bloody fight) both sides (my mother) decided that was the case of dress suits and ties (but you pay!). So after a long afternoon to make a spectacle to aunts, cousins \u200b\u200band friends, the second floor of a shop on Tuscolana I chose my suite. Black suit, striped, glossy, dark purple shirt and thin black tie. Very Morgan. And I must admit. I like it.

"They told me that a man should be faithful and should walk even if it can, and fight till the end ... but I'm only human ..."
Michael Jackson "Will You Be There"

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Dressing For A Hindu Wedding

I write but it's not that he has great desire. Then I do not know what to write and it ends up that I use this blog as a personal diary pallossissimo. By the way, that happened yesterday was ... no no, stop. Should I use it as a subsidiary, as a block for my exercises. For example I could write a letter to a South American Dad unlikely that I have ever known. How to attack? Dear father? No. Maybe "Hola Santa." No. Better to say "very great piece of shit." Yes, and goes on to say "Fuck you and CarrĂ , that if you dare to bring you here I return to Bolivia to kick your ass." Something like that.
is the creative idea! The shopping list, but fictionalized. There was a After a liter of milk on a path of Cheerios Honey met an American Bread bag. The bag was very tired and was sitting on a jar of cream to milk. He was there crying and screaming pear juice "Pasta! Pasta: Do not take it anymore." Then ... Wait, how we put the offal of chicken? Not enough, that sucks. And certainly the use Baricco for his next book idea. Only that her seem cool.
Now I sit and list all the words that I know starting with "Y". So ... Ypsilon. Then ... There is also ... what there ... Ying and Yang as well then. Tie, we have three. Serious stuff. I could go on for hours, but no.
I waited so long, and I can finally begin to wait.

"Fear of falling in love too, do not say anything to not spoil everything. Wanting to stay and instead go it is a real pain ..."
Lucio Battisti "Fear of falling in love too"

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Howrse How To Qualify For A Survey

Exercises in Style Hot Shots!

Afa, hot. Muggy heat, like a recent memory of horse manure. I melt in quest'afa cruel. Rome is a furnace, my nipples hot coals that consume the shirt. I fry the brain, saliva retires and holed up in my throat burned. Fermentation in armpits, sweat on my skin that dies with the typical friccichio some fries in hot oil. Steam-eyed balls soaked in gasoline ready to explode from their sockets like fiery darts. The ceramic skin glowing, bright red, gives off heat as a wood stove, I could cook an egg on her forehead. The fingers are spit on a burning brazier, an elusive King Shit, everything I touch melt. The mouth as a hairdryer, a flame breath of fresh hope that rejects any rest. The language dell'arsura daughter a few movements do not die every little grain. Dante's Inferno in the stomach of fireworks, explosions of all sorts is killing me from inside. Are weakened. I made the idea of \u200b\u200bwhat I'm hot?
Today is a special day. That is, every day is a special day, but especially today. Today is the anniversary of the birth a friend of mine. Yes, I know it says "birthday", but after hearing "birthday" what is cool? Ok, in short, was born 'this thing,' I'm regazzetto. Sympathetic way, actually a tranzollone. Tonight is celebrated (in so far) and tomorrow is another day. Obvious.
Can someone tell me where I happened to Europe's?

"Now I know that" love "is just another word to explain what I feel"
Europe "I'll cry for you"

Monday, May 26, 2008

Broken Blood Vessels Mouth

obstinate and contrary

's the end? I do not know, I just know that the end draws near. Quiet (if anyone s'agit), I'm fine, at least for health. But I do not know what to make of this situation. I guess I have little hope, I guess I'll have to eventually give up. This is what I say, and that in my heart I know to be true in part. But you know how I did, stubborn and opinionated (and a bit irresponsible.) I waited so long this time, hidden in a corner quietly, not to bother. Because that's what I thought was right. I also tried to look out and see what's out there, but as soon as I left I felt too cold. A chill that told me that this was not what I really wanted. Now maybe it's time to go outside to check the window with my stupid smile and say "Hello! Do you remember me?". It 'worth it wait, and even if will not come from nowhere, I know that really was worth having waited.

" And now the end is near and so I face the final curtain"
Frank Sinatra "My Way"

Sunday, May 25, 2008

How To Talk With Lingual Braces

gosh, Jones!

Give me a fool. Regardless, get into the head after reading this I will be held up as an idiot. Because not everyone will understand what I feel, what all this means to me. But let me explain better.
Foreword. What is cinema? Sergio Leone (a mica whatever) said "The film must show that this is the public wants. And for me the most beautiful sight is that of myth. "Right, nothing to say. But there are films that go beyond mere myth. Boldly go where they sleep dreams and wake them from their slumber. We can still better with children, flying low when dreams are closer to the heart, while not large enough to be humble and innocent and stoop to pick them prefer to leave them where they are. And 'this for me to complete even simple definition of cinema: the myth and dream . If we add that the film has been with you and your childhood has given way to never stop dreaming, perhaps you can understand what the movie for me.
I've seen. And I felt a little pain heart during the credits. That music that made me shudder every time of innocence that I felt has remained untouched at that time. Do not think I'm exaggerating. Maybe a little, but seeing his youth cleared in barely two hours is not as pleasant as people think. It could be worse, but it was certainly pleasant. I do not know how to express what I feel, I feel bitter, betrayed, stabbed and sincerely disappointed. What a fool I am.
Cinema is myth and dream. 'S life that turns into fantasy, dreaming of his life.

"It's not the years, the miles"
Indiana Jones "Raiders of the Lost

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Watch The Appretice Usa

raining! What a sweet harmony! Drop by drop to create a unique sound that no beat boxer or synthesizer can never recreate. A subtle and loud music at the same time, peaceful and dynamic. Sometimes it is intrusive, it is true, but quand ' as is now known to be fantastic. Many would say "pain in the ass . Yes, it is useless to deny it. But it's always nice to look starla on this side of the window, and cynically not open to all those who knock the glass drops. Until they desist not as a representative of ' vacuum cleaners , and their continued knocking it fade slowly, then at the end, a bit ' you miss them (as opposed to representative). It then scans the sky, until your friend looks at you and tells you "We hope rain does not come in" and you would be snapped "But then you got a fucking !?!?!".
Mix, blend, mix, mystical (as my grandmother would say). It 'nice, it's a cool . They should do it all. I do not like emo , so punk, so rasta man, so all those who sacrifice their lives for a single faith and doctrine. I find it limiting and unimaginative (true Morgan ?). Like who goes, who enters the game, who changes his mind every five minutes. Who today Paciotti tomorrow sandal Oviesse . Who "never forget" and after two minutes, "Tonight at whores." Who strength Lazio Rome and then shit (I assure you that it is not the same thing, there is a small gradient). So, who is not fixed on one style, that is life, thought, or even clothing. We
hundred thousand, one day someone said it. Each of us is.

"Do you feel that you feel that it's raining outside ... beautiful sound ..."
Vasco Rossi Sally "

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Where Can I Buy A Strong Magnet From

is not normal. What a kitten that weighs a pound, yes and no shit four times its weight. I understand the growth phase, I understand intestinal problems, but it is a kitten not an hippopotamus. If I wanted to shovel shit I did take in a circus. Apart from hunting, in which dips systematically every morning just before I go to work (and then I have to clean it like a baby in swaddling clothes), Indiana is very cuddly . Much, almost too much. He misses his mother can be seen, and I imprinting sucks the inside of the elbow like a breast. Hopefully spill milk, had to settle instead of sweat. Poop and sweat, so far I've been a bit ' narrow. Change the subject.
Today there was a crow on the arch above the gravel of the annoying IED site Testaccio. Do not expect to be there to tell us "It can not rain forever," because it rained in the past three years even with the hot sun. It rained off and it rained inside. However, is about to end. Perhaps, then, is there to collect his tribute, a mere substitute for a metaphorical sickle school. Or is possessed by the spirit of a departed Schianchi (some of you know what happened to? Someone close to Gaucci , there on the shores of Santo Domingo in exile from the mess that created it). In short, no one knows why be there, does not matter. Maybe it is stunning, but perhaps much worse all the crows that are within reach and that have both brought bad luck throughout this period. So we hope that this black bird, when the time comes, you take away a mo ' flock of all his friends, Hawks and the Sparrows, to never see them again. This post
there has been kindly donated by " Crodino : the non-alcoholic blond, crazy world."

" can not be hurry love! No, you just have to wait ... love does not come easy but it is a matter of give and take ... you just have to wait, confident of a good time, no matter how long it takes! "
Phil Collins " You can 't hurry love "